Hello dear ones,

As you no doubt know, I’ve been on social networks like Twitter and Facebook for several years. I absolutely adore getting to know all my wonderful readers. Just the other day I met a delightful reader named Christy (HI Christy!) and we bonded over our mutual dislike of being carpet bombed with links on twitter.

Carpet bombing: That’s when someone sends dozens of tweets/links in rapid succession on twitter over and over. Like daily.

Another dislike?


Yeah, I’ve just never fallen for it the way I enjoyed Myspace and now Twitter. Heck, I like Tumblr, Pinterest, and Google + way more than Facebook.

Besides the design not gelling for me and confusing me to no end, I’ve spent a long time building a community there. And now FB wants me to pay to show my friends my posts. An example: I have (at this moment) 5137 “fans” on Facebook. And my last three posts were seen by 25, 37, and 61 people respectively. Let’s look at three posts from December 14th (3 days ago.) 115, 77, 347.

That’s ridiculously low. If I want to “boost” a post so that all 5000+ members CAN see it, that’ll be $40.

I don’t expect everyone to be on FB every day. I don’t expect them to see and/or read all my posts. I don’t expect them to like, comment on, or share all my posts.

I simply want them to have the ability to see those posts.

Without me paying for the option and without them having to do all sorts of opting in and adjusting every time Facebook decides it wants to make another dime.

Publishing is my business. Facebook is a tool. My readers are dear to me and I’d rather spend that money traveling to meet them or showering them with goodies or simply writing the next book they’re craving.

Therefore, I’m going to do my darnedest to move to other platforms that I get along with better.

You can now find me in my new digs at: Google Plus.


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