Hello dear ones,

Happy Friday!

Основные RGBI’m hoping you can help me out with a pet project of mine. It’s important to me to make sure I know who my readers are and what they want. After all, I can’t write books for you if I don’t know who you are and what you want.

In the marketing world we call this knowing our demographic. Things like age and sex (the answer here is not, yes please, by the way) help us determine who our core audience is.

You might have taken brief surveys on websites or blogs that helped them determine their demographic aka audience. Rest assured, this information helps companies create better products and allows blogs to provide better content and advertising.

All of this is to say that I’m doing a monthly poll on my website (selena-blake.com) and in the Members’ lounge. You don’t need to answer in both places, but I hope you’ll vote once a month and let me know you better.

This month I’m asking about gender. Don’t worry, none of these polls can be tracked back to you. I just need percentages. Like, is my audience 90% female or 50% female.

WHERE TO VOTE: The demographics poll is at the top of the sidebar on my blog. (It’s also on the front page of my blog and in the sidebar on the Members’ Lounge blog. Just FYI.)

Thanks for voting!

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