Do you know what you did, dear writer?
Have you ever gotten to the end of the week, or the month, or even the end of a year and wondered what you spent all your time on?
I have.
Way too many times.
It’s disheartening. Sometimes crippling.
I know I spent my time doing productive things. But how productive and what were they?
Sometimes it’s hard to remember and feel proud of your accomplishments. Especially with as many steps and details as indie publishing can require.
I’ve started using a section in my digital planner to track the things I got done each day. Now I have missed many days, but overall, this has been going well and I really like doing it.
One reason is that I’ll have a running list that I can look back to at the end of the year. I mean, I’ll have to click from day to day, but that’s okay.
Tracking works better than planning for me some days. Most days.
Tracking what I’ve gotten done grounds me in a way and I don’t get overwhelmed by everything I need to get done.
Today alone I formatted two different books. One for a giveaway (I always put Giveaway Copy on the copyright page.) And the other for a review (I put Review Copy on the copyright page.)
Then I realized the book I’d formatted for review wasn’t available on several vendors. So I added it.
The list goes on and on. And it’s little things like that that add up. Both in terms of the time it takes each day but also, building your catalog and career.
So consider taking a section of your planner, or create a file on your computer, and jotting down a few notes about what you got done each day.
Maybe tracking will help you.
If you feel like a digital planner might be in order, check out ArtfulAgenda. And if you decide it’s for you, tell them I sent you (referral code: RS11913)