We’ve all done it. Compared ourself to another writer. Maybe even dozens of writers.
I recently saw an author friend lamenting all the ways she wasn’t as popular as her peers. And while she was happy for others’ success she was anxiously waiting for grand things to happen to her.
I’ve been there. Done that. I understand how hard it is to look around and see others doing big things, writing big books, getting the attention.
But guess what buttercup, you’re a unique snowflake.
You are valuable and you need to remember that.
When the green eyed monster kicks in, stop counting someone else’s blessings and count your own. Figure out what they’re doing differently and decide on steps you can take to incorporate that into your career. Learn from others achievements and mistakes. Talk to other writers; ask for their advice. Writing is solitary but that doesn’t mean you live in a bubble and it doesn’t mean you can’t switch directions and try new things.
Figure out ways to emulate those you admire. Be aggressive. Development partnerships. Study your craft. Make plans. Adjust your strategy.
But remember that you are unique. You can never have the same success as someone else. Your experiences flavor your work, your decisions, and your career. They’re what make you unique. They’re what will help you succeed. So don’t compare yourself to others. Learn from them. Adjust your career strategy. Own it.
Adjust your career strategy. Own it. Click To Tweet