Dear fellow writers,
Happy New Year! We’re 22 days in, can you believe it?
I sure can’t! Where in the world did 2013 go? Well, I wrote and published 5 books somewhere in there. Pretty amazing progress if I do say so myself. (I say that to remind myself that I actually worked my ass off and accomplished a lot. Otherwise, the little monster in the back of my mind will ask what I did all year and why I didn’t do more.)
Which is why I’m so bummed about how 2014 started for me. Let’s just say that life took over for the first week and hasn’t let up since. Monday my brand new keyboard went kaput. Super bummed about that because it took me three tries to find it. Then on Tuesday I had the worst migraine in history. Seriously, I was about to offer myself up as a science experiment.
Okay, it wasn’t that bad. But it did wreck half my day.
It hasn’t really gotten better since. Bouts of dizziness and congestion have me off of my game. I’m bouncing between projects because I’m not 100% sure of the plot and twists and turns.
All of that is to say that I am behind already this new year. Behind and frustrated.
But all is not lost. In fact, it’s fixable. How?
Here’s the secret. Ready? You should write this down. Commit it to memory.
I just start over every day. Each day offers the opportunity to start fresh and kick my ass into gear.
Have you kicked your ass into gear? Have you started tackling your goals for the new year?
What is it you want to accomplish in 2014?
Imagine yourself on New Years Eve, waving at 2015. Got it in your mind? You’ve got your party dress on (or PJs) and a glass of your favorite celebratory beverage in hand. Got it? Feel it? The ball is getting ready to drop in Times Square. You’re thinking back over 2014. Making wishes and goals for 2015.
What do you want to be proud that you accomplished in 2014? Leave a comment below.