Series: Stormy Weather # 2
If one Deveraux is good, two are infinitely better.
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When wildlife photographer Angelica Humphries woke up this morning, she never expected to end up in a cabin with two sexy Cajuns. Wild birds are more her speed. But when a powerful hurricane threatens, she’d be crazy not to take them up on their offer of shelter and protection. Right?
Jules and Andre Deveraux were hired to find Angelica, not fall for her. Tracking her was the easy part. Keeping the secret that would ruin any chance Jules has with the strawberry blonde beauty? So much harder. But he’ll do whatever it takes because one sniff and he knows she’s meant to be his.
Warning: Contains two sinfully handsome Cajun werewolves with voracious appetites, a splash of danger and a naughty game of scrabble.
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Accolades & Reviews
#5 on ARe’s bestseller list

“Selena Blake has created a steamy escape down in the bayou. These quick, fun reads are a pleasurable experience to have when time is short.” ~ Kristy Bock, ParanormalRomance
“Fantasies come true in STORMY WEATHER 2: BITTEN IN THE BAYOU, as unanticipated circumstances turn into delightfully wicked fun.” ~ Amelia,
The sun broke through the dark thundercloud and warmed the damp earth. Jules Deveraux turned to his brother André and frowned. “See anything?”
André shook his dark head. “Non.”
They’d been in town for supplies, waiting for the latest hurricane to blow to shore when a distressed businessman had stormed in looking for his missing girlfriend. He’d hired André and Jules to find her, to bring her back safely. No one knew the swamp and the forest as well as the Deveraux brothers.
So here they were. On the chase. Not that Jules minded. He was a wolf in human clothing after all.
As quick as the sun had come, it went. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and the wind picked up again. The scent of muck and rain swirled around him. He sniffed the air for any scent of the woman.
“He must love her an awful lot, non? To come here looking for her?”
“His concern seemed… genuine,” André said, leaning down to study a patch of earth.
This would go a lot faster if they were in wolf form, but they couldn’t risk being seen. The storm chasers and weather reporters were already setting up shop, waiting for the next big one. Jules had seen enough storms to have a good idea which ones would pass them by. Perhaps it was just a sixth sense.
“You don’t sound as if you believe that, mon frere,” he said as they pushed their way farther into the forest.
“I don’t.”
“Neither do I. He seemed too concerned.”
“Too possessive,” André agreed.
Jules caught the scent of lilac and inhaled appreciatively. Warm, distinctly floral with a hint of woman. He’d found her.
“Come on.” He took off jogging.
Lightning crackled overhead, charging the air with its energy. They had to find her and get the hell outta here, fast. If there was one thing Jules knew, it was that lightning, tall trees and water don’t mix. He paused and caught her scent again. He turned right and pushed the low hanging limbs out of the way.
The boom of thunder told him the storm was getting close. He saw something through the leaves. Something pink. He motioned for his brother to look in that direction. André nodded, his gaze fixed on the spot.
There she was.
The scent grew stronger, surrounding them. Swirling on the wind. Intoxicating him. She smelled… ripe. Delicious. Unexpected… but familiar.
Odd. He was sure they’d never met before.
Together they stepped forward, silently, until they had a better view.
Angelica Humphrey’s picture hadn’t done her justice. Her golden hair was captured loosely at her neck. Several tendrils escaped, cascading around her face. She looked through the view finder of a camera, completely oblivious to their presence.
Didn’t she know there were predators about?
André must have sensed his thoughts. A tight smile curved his lips upward, and they shared a glance.
Her petal pink t-shirt was peppered with raindrops. It outlined her lush breasts and trim waist. A sage green rain slicker was cinched around her hips and her form-fitting jeans flared at the bottom over a pair of boots that had seen better days. A dingy camera bag sat at her feet.
Angelica felt a zing along the back of her neck. That same zing had often warned her of danger or where to be to get the best shot possible. It had warned her away from William, thank God. Despite his Golden Child good looks, he was a dark and dangerous man. Possessive and ruthless.
Slowly she lowered her camera till it dangled from her neck. The snap of a twig made her look right. Two men stepped out of the trees and into the clearing.
Her first instinct was to run.
But for some reason she stayed put, looking them over. The one on the left was tall, trim, with unruly black hair. He had sharply chiseled features. Some might even call him beautiful. But his lean frame proclaimed he was all man.
“Angelica Humphrey?” the other man asked.
He was only an inch or so shorter and far more rugged. Muscles shimmered beneath his T-shirt. He had the same dark hair, unreadable eyes, and rosy lips.
A coil of desire tightened low in her belly, surprising her. She hadn’t felt honest to goodness desire in a very long time.
“How do you know my name?” she asked, mentally calculating how fast she could pull the knife from her boot. She never traveled without protection. As a wildlife photographer she sometimes came across beasts that needed taming.
“William Bardsley asked us to find you. I’m André Deveraux, and des is my brother Jules.” His accent was delicious and wicked. His brother gave her a friendly smile, one that was supposed to put her at ease, no doubt. But it just made all her muscles tighten.
William had sent them?
They didn’t look like William’s thugs. She’d never warmed to any of his friends or… associates.
“You don’t look like you need finding,” the taller one, Jules, murmured. A dark eyebrow inched up slightly as he took in her raincoat and boots.
“Why don’t you run along and tell William that I meant it when I said it was over.”
The two men shared a glance. Jules put his hand on his hips. The rain picked up again, and she quickly shrugged into her coat.
“He’s not your boyfriend?” Jules asked. An unreadable expression crossed his face.
Angelica couldn’t stop the laugh that erupted from her lips. “Hardly. We were dating. I said it was over. William’s the type that always gets what he wants. No matter the cost to anyone else.”
She bent to put her camera in her bag, making sure to keep an eye on them. Overhead, the wind howled through the trees and the birds she’d been photographing took flight. “Better yet, don’t tell him you found me at all.”
Slowly she backed away from them.
“If he’s not your boyfriend, why did he come all this way to find you?”
That had her stopping in her tracks. A trickle of fear tiptoed up her spine.
“He came here?”
André nodded.
“We met him in town. What in the world are you doin’ out here anyway? Don’t you know there’s a hurricane a comin?” Jules asked.
Angelica nodded. She did indeed know there was a hurricane coming. “That’s why I’m here. I’m a wildlife photographer.”
“A wildlife photographer?” André asked, as if he’d never heard of the concept before. He stepped closer, and Angelica’s heartbeat picked up speed. Didn’t they care that they were getting soaked? Their T-shirts seemed to be melting against their tanned skin. Another clap of thunder shook the ground, jolting her nerves.
Jules spoke quietly to André in what sounded like French. His voice was rich like Swiss chocolate. André nodded, and they both settled their gazes upon her. Tingles erupted over her skin, her breasts tightened and the trickle of desire exploded into full blown need.
“I, ugh, I’ve gotta go. Nice meeting you.” She turned like a scared deer and ran.
She’d gotten all of three feet before a strong hand clamped down on her wrist and spun her around. A scream froze in throat when she found herself pinned to Jules’ tall frame.
“Not that way. Wanna get eaten by a gator?”
Again that dark eyebrow mocked her. But she couldn’t find the energy to care. She was too aware of the flat planes of his stomach, his rock hard thigh between hers, the corded muscles beneath her fingertips. Her breath stalled in her lungs as she looked way up, her gaze meeting his.
He’d asked her a question. Silently, she shook her head. No, she didn’t want to get eaten by an alligator. But she wondered what it would be like to be gobbled up by a sexy Cajun.
She stomped down on that thought. If William had come after her, he was more serious than she’d originally thought. She needed to disappear for a while. Good thing she’d brought her passport.
“What do they call this color, André?” Jules’ unexpected question confused her. His eyes flicked over the top of her head.
“Strawberry blonde?” the other man replied. He sounded like he was right behind her. She turned her head and saw him out of the corner of her eye. Only a foot or so separated her back from his front. She’d be lying if she said their nearness didn’t affect her. Excite her just a little.
She’d traveled the world, and though she’d always had her lens zoomed in on animals, she’d kept an eye out for Mr. Right. Or Mr. Hot-n-Sexy. She’d never come across a man so worthy of being photographed. A man so gorgeous he could steal her breath. One who had an animal magnetism that was usually reserved for movie stars.
Until now.
And there were two of them, she thought, feeling rather dreamy despite the fact that she was sinking into the mud.
“Right,” Jules murmured, drawing her attention back to him. “Strawberry blonde. I love strawberries, don’t you André?”
His tone was so seductive, so husky, Angelica’s insides melted. Her hardened nipples brushed against his chest, and she knew she should back away from him. Get as far away from these men as she could.
“Mmm, hmm.”
“So juicy. And sweet,” Jules whispered in her ear. A little thrill raced through her as his breath warm caressed her wet skin. When he straightened and actually licked his lips, she was sure he was going to kiss her.
Angelica found strength she didn’t know she had and took a step back. Self-preservation. She had to get out of this swamp. Away from William. No matter how seductive these men were.
Her back hit something strong and solid. Not a tree. André.
Large hands clamped over her hips, and a squeak of alarm escaped her lips.
“What’s wrong, chérie?” Jules stepped toward her, his hands capturing hers. He breathed on them, letting his hot breath chase away the chill.
“No—nothing.” She shook her head. When he looked up at her through those long, black eyelashes, Angelica realized she was a goner. They’d completely and utterly seduced her with their heated looks, sexy accent, and tender touch. “Is William still in town?” she found herself asking.
Jules tensed for just a second before he shrugged those strong shoulders. “Dunno.”
“Does it matter?” André asked.
“He’s a dangerous man.” Her voice shook more than she wanted.
Jules’ jaw worked back and forth, and his hazel eyes darkened to match the stormy sky. “Don’t worry, chérie. We’ll protect you.”