by Selena | Jan 22, 2020 | Adventures in Publishing
Sometimes when I’m struggling with a scene and the words won’t come, I write a list of words associated with the scene. It could be a feeling I want to invoke, an emotion of a character, something about the setting, anything goes. What I love about this is...
by Selena | Jul 17, 2019 | Adventures in Publishing
Staying organized is easier said than done most days. I’ve tried it all. Paper. Digital. Combinations thereof. Spreadsheets were scary. Databases were scarier. I have a secret. It’s called AirTable. It’s how I keep track of everything from my...
by Selena | Apr 24, 2019 | Adventures in Publishing, Random Goodness
A tweet caught my eye today. It made me realize that one difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t is how they put their time to use. Instead of looking at an 8 hour commute and saying “well I can’t edit my videos or...
by Selena | Mar 27, 2019 | Adventures in Publishing
I’ve seen this question several times recently. How long should I leave my promotion price for a BookBub ad? Which got me thinking about how I read BookBub newsletters. I usually read them the day after they hit my inbox. Or the day after that. With that in...
by Selena | Jun 4, 2018 | Adventures in Publishing
The dreaded to do list. Sometimes I think mine is honestly a mile long. In fact, there’s so much on my to do list, I’d venture that half the items aren’t even written down. But today I tackled a couple. #1 – Removing my paranormal books from...
by Selena | Jan 19, 2018 | Adventures in Publishing, writing
Do you struggle with perfectionism? Right now my to do list is several miles long. 2017 was a topsy turvy year and while I learned a lot, I let a lot slide too. So now I’m looking at updating my covers, branching my contemporary titles off under their own name,...