by Selena | Jul 5, 2017 | Adventures in Publishing, writing
My new writing trick is actually an old writing trick. In fact, Rachel Aaron covers this in her 2,000 to 10,000 Words book. If you’re anything like me, you waffle between being a planner and a panster. I guess that makes me a planster. Perfect. I love plants....
by Selena | Feb 27, 2017 | Adventures in Publishing
Have you been wondering where I’ve been? How thoughtful of you! Turns out I was going through a breakup… With writing. It’s funny the things we tell ourselves, isn’t it? “I’m busy with other things, I’ve got a lot on my plate,...
by Selena | Oct 29, 2015 | Adventures in Publishing, Reviews
Random Recommendation Thursday: Evernote (Couldn’t imagine life without Evernote. I can write on my phone & save snippets from the web.) If you haven’t heard of Evernote, get out from under that rock and join the exciting new era of write, edit, take...
by Selena | Jul 10, 2015 | Adventures in Publishing, Book of the Week
Someone brilliant once said “writing is all about the rewriting.” Okay, I don’t know if anyone actually ever said that but they should have. Which leads me to… *drumroll* …rewriting my book blurbs. It’s like a sickness. But this time it was for a very good cause…I...
by Selena | Feb 18, 2015 | Adventures in Publishing
Readers, pardon me while I geek out with my fellow authors for a bit. The meat of this post comes from a forum post I made over at recently. The question was: what are you doing to get newsletter subscribers. Here’s my answer: 1: I wrote a...
by Selena | Sep 25, 2014 | Adventures in Publishing
Authors, having trouble linking to your book on iTunes? I see this question go by frequently on the loops I’m on. Since iTunes is what you might call a “closed” system, you don’t just swipe (aka copy and paste) a URL in the same way you do...