Bookmark Design for Indie Authors

Hello all! The topic of bookmarks came up on one of the loops I’m on and I promised to show off my bookmark design. (I’ll include some more info and thoughts about bookmark design for indie authors after the images.)   Details I get the 2″ x 8″...

Everyone is an Expert. Not. (Part 2)

I’m recycling an Adventures in Publishing post from a few years ago and while mostly I still agree with everything I said from back then, I do have a few new thoughts and things worth adding. (Those parts are in red on my blog.) You’ll find the original...

Response: Professionally Edited, My Ass

So in reading this wondrous blog post the other day I came upon a snippet from Steven Zacharius, Kensington’s CEO. He says: As a result, [readers] might not even know if they’re buying a book that was professionally edited versus one that was self-published. Back the...

Proof That Platform Works

It’s hard to convince newbies that platform is important. It’s even harder to build a platform. And it’s harder still to balance platform with the writing. But I came across an interesting article this week by Jeff Bullas and thought this part was worth sharing. The...

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