For Writers: 30 Questions to ask Your Characters

When I get stuck part way through a book, I’ve found two things to get me back on track. 1. Pick up any of James Scott Bell’s writing reference books. Start reading. Give it a page or two and inspiration will strike. 2. Start asking my characters questions. Often I...

Sanity Saver for Scrivener Users

Scrivener is one of my favorite tools. I could talk about it for hours, but every so often I go to open a document and gives me an error of Doom! Basically it says that my file is incompatible with that version of Scrivener. *gulp* Luckily there’s a super simple fix...

For Writers: Sculpting Your Hunk of Clay

I’ve really been struggling with my current book. I mean really struggling. I think the words start over, paper shredder and pile of crap have been mentioned numerous times in the past few weeks. This book started out like any other. A big blob of clay waiting to be...

For Writers: A Handy–Dandy Blog Schedule

Hello fellow writers! Do you have a blog? Do you blog consistently? Yeah, it’s tough sometimes. Okay, most of the time. Am I the only one who sits down once a week and thinks “my kingdom for a blog topic!” So lately I’ve been trying to figure out a better method than...

For Writers: The Writing Advice You Don’t Want To Hear

Dear writer, I’m going to level with you. Writing is a solitary endeavor. You’re going to get lonely. You’ll probably get jealous. You will have highs and lows that will shock you. You’ll have back pain and you’ll need to exercise a lot to make up for all the sitting...

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